April 30–May 6, 2006
Hotel Carlisle and Convention Center
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Policy on Standards of Behavior by ABTC Members Attending National (and Other) Specialty Shows
The ABTC has an excellent history of maintaining its Specialty headquarters and show site in good condition. Rings, grooming areas and hotel rooms occupied by its members are expected to be left with no appreciable damage, and as clean as possible, after the Specialty is over. As a measure of insuring that this standard will be met, the Club, as a matter of policy sets forth the following standards of behavior:
- No dog should be left uncrated in a hotel room in the absence of the room occupants at any time.
- Dogs that constitute a nuisance to other occupants of the hotel by continual barking or howling, may subject their owners to being removed by the hotel.
- There will be no extensive grooming of dogs in the hotel rooms. Grooming will be permitted only in the areas set aside for that purpose.
- No dogs should be washed in hotel bathtubs, and hotel towels should not be used on dogs for drying them or any other purpose.
- The external and internal premises of the hotel and show site shall be kept free of debris and feces caused by the presence of dogs attending the Specialty.
- The Club will provide a committee to inspect rooms upon member checkout, either separately from, or in concert with, designated members from the hotel staff. Should any room or its contents exhibit signs of unusual wear or damage because of the presence of a dog or dogs, the occupant of that room may be held up to censure by the Club and shall recompense the hotel for all damages. Offenders may be censured, held in suspension of membership or expelled from membership in the ABTC should the circumstances warrant.
- While the ABTC cannot assume legal responsibility for the actions of individual persons attending one of its national specialties, it does assume ethical responsibility for their actions. It will make every effort to assure that any offending person make redress to the hotel or show site in the event that he/she is responsible for damage to the premises.
- The ABTC urges its members to carefully inspect their rooms prior to checkout.
All members of the ABTC are expected to adhere to these Standards.
The Specialty Committee additionally requires that:
- Exhibitors are not to bring litters of puppies to the Show Headquarters.
- Non-ABTC members attending the 2006 ABTC National Specialty will adhere to these standards.
- All dogs will be on a leash at all times.
- No dogs will be allowed in the hotel's main building, which includes the hotel lobby and pool. (Exceptions will be made for seminars. We will designate in which to bring dogs.)
- No dogs will be allowed in any restricted areas, as designated by signs.