April 30–May 6, 2006
Hotel Carlisle and Convention Center
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
National Specialty Raffles & Auctions
Donations now being accepted!
Deadline for donations is April 15!
We are delighted to accept donations of artwork, books, videos, training or grooming items, clothing, jewelry, handmade items, theme baskets, gift certificates, subscriptions, and so forth. Or, you can make a donation of money with which we will buy additional items for the raffle or to complete a theme basket.
The Silent Auction will consist of unique, high interest items. The Chairs will make the final determination as to whether a specific item will be in the Raffle or the Silent Auction. Commit to transport your donated items to the Specialty or send your donations by April 15 to Kim Vent at 488 Vosburg Road, Webster, NY 14580-1041 For questions, telephone: (585) 671-6333 or e-mail (preferred contact) nyterv@aol.com.
Raffle & Silent Auction items will be on display in the Raffle Room at the Host Hotel (Hotel Carlisle and Convention Center). The raffle and auction will close just prior to the start of the Annual Meeting on Friday, May 9th. All items may be picked up after the Annual Meeting, in the Raffle Room. Raffle and Silent Auction items must be claimed by the end of conformation judging on Saturday, May 10th. Unclaimed Silent Auction items will be offered to the second highest bidder at that time. Unclaimed raffle items will be donated to the 2007 raffle. Raffle tickets will be available at the Specialty for $1 each, 6 for $5, or $15 for an arm's length (20 tickets). Order on the Specialty Order Form and pick up your tickets at the show.
Room Raffle
Win a five-night stay at the specialty with no hotel bill!
If you are unable to attend the Specialty, the Prize is transferable.
The winning ticket will be drawn May 5, at the Annual Meeting. Odds of winning depend on the number of tickets sold. Additional tickets are available upon request.
Ticket prices are $5 each and will be able to be ordered on the Specialty Order Form.
Ringside VIP Seating for 2 Raffle
Forget staying up late to put your chairs in choice ringside seating areas, only to find your chairs moved in the morning. This year, you and one friend can have VIP seating at all ringside events, Obedience, Sweepstakes, Best of Breed—the whole thing!
You can win VIP, reserved seating next to the videographer this year. Not only will this area be roped off and reserved for you and a friend—we will be providing seating, drink cups, and a tote bag in the red, white, and blue theme of the specialty. The drawing for this raffle will be conducted at the 2006 Welcome Party, Tuesday evening, May 2.
Tickets are $5 each.
Grooming Raffle
Mirror, mirror on the wall—who is the fairest of them all?
Why you of course, after you win this Grooming Raffle.
We are pleased to be able to offer one free head-to-toe, private grooming appointment by Russ Beach for one lucky dog! We will be drawing for this raffle at the 2006 Welcome Party, Tuesday evening, May 2, to allow your dog to be ready for Sweepstakes or Best of Breed. The winner of this raffle is responsible for arranging the appointment with Russ. (The grooming session does not include bathing or toenails.)
Tickets are $5 each.
The Raffle and Auction co-chairs are: |
Dana Mackonis PO Box 12031 Durham, NC 27709-2031 (919) 286-2625 cachetnoir@tervuren.com |
Kim Vent 488 Vosburg Rd Webster, NY 14580-1041 (585) 671-6333 nyterv@aol.com |
View the current inventory of donated items at http://www.tervuren.com/cachetnoir/2006/2006raffle.htm