May 6, 2006
Hotel Carlisle and Convention Center
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Tervuren Two-Miler
Pre-Entry Deadline: March 24
The annual Terv 2-Miler run/walk will be held on Saturday, May 6 at 7:30 a.m. on the Hotel Carlisle grounds. Each team is comprised of a Terv and a human connected to each other with a leash no longer than 6 feet. The race will be timed and awards will be presented in various categories. The deadline for pre-entry is March 24. T-shirts can be guaranteed only to those who pre-register. This is a fun run open to any and all, regardless of athletic ability. A signed release form is required from all participants. There will be water at the finish. Register on the Specialty Order Form.

The Terv 2-Miler T-shirt Logo
Tervuren Two-Miler Chair
Brad Wood(717) 258-6166