You are here: Laughing Coyote Productions » Supernova Belgians » Smokey Ridge Deuce

Smokey Ridge Deuce UD PT HCT TT

- Color: Mahogany & Black
- Reproductive Status: Neutered
- Born: 1989
About Deuce
Deuce spent his youth sharing many adventures with me and now he spends his retirement running our household with a velvet paw. He was the first of my dogs to get advanced obedience titles and my first to herd. He taught me so much about training and he was always willing to try his best for me. Deuce also introduced me to many people who have become my closest friends. Like a fine wine, my Deucey just gets better with age and at I appreciate each day we have.
Deuce is owned by Libbye Miller, DVM & Stepen L. Miller of Elizabethtown, Kentucky ( He is an ILP dog, and his breeder and parentage are unknown.